The Art of (Re)Discovering You Self-Study PIF

$497.00 USD

The Art of (Re)Discovering You

A step-by-step method back to a vibrant, confident, fulfilled life.

Created exclusively for moms just like you.

  • My creative, step-by-step method built with love for moms just like you with the exact steps to take. We’ll use this to reduce stress and instantly start taking control over your overwhelm while building resilience within your body. And you can go at your own pace. 
  • Practical tools that are designed to fit into your busy lifestyle. Art, essential oils, and mindfulness will be invaluable in creating sustainable practices around your emotional health. 
  • Audio lessons that are short and to the point, but offer powerful guidance and nurturing as you ignite your transformation. Immediately turn your new insights into utilizing the creative process for deeper meaning and understanding in your life.
  • PDF downloads containing guides, recipes, therapeutic art making directives and journaling prompts for deeper learning.
  • Community support in our Facebook group. You won’t be going through this journey alone! You’ll connect with other moms in the group so you can feel heard, understood, and uplifted. And I am in there too! Answering your questions and giving you the accountability you need to move forward.
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the membership site and program content!

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